Thursday, 10 September 2015

Choden Rinpoche 卻殿仁波切「拜訪尊者」Visits The Dalai Lama

May all Rinpoche’s holy wishes be fulfilled May we all meet Rinpoche’s reincarnation and study Buddhadharma from him Until all of cyclic existence has emptied.  

Om mani padme hung   Om mani padme hung   Om mani padme hung
Om mani padme hung   Om mani padme hung   Om mani padme hung
Om mani padme hung   Om mani padme hung   Om mani padme hung

Read Choden Rinpoche’s story  “The Life of a Hidden Meditator” .

SourceSera Je Monastery Choden Rinpoche’s Khangtsen
臺灣聞思寶藏佛學會 臺中市講修增廣佛學會 聯合編譯發佈 敬上  2015/9/7 - 2015/9/13

西元  2015  829 於印度新德里瑞迪森飯店、「達賴喇嘛尊者」接見色拉傑洛巴康村最上「怙主卻殿仁波切」時、怙主卻殿仁波切向達賴喇嘛尊者「祈請概要」如下:

「為了整個教法與眾生、尤其為雪域西藏的教法與眾生的依怙、祈請尊者長久住世 。惟願尊者盡快返回西藏再度回到布達拉宮、將幸福的陽光普照所有藏人 。我將平時所積之善根都做此迴向、祈願尊者亦如是迴向 。弟子至誠祈請尊者生生世世的轉世都能以大悲之門攝受 。為延續此殊勝的緣起、弟子供養代表攝受的緣起之物 —— 黃色佛珠、請尊者慈悲納受 。」

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Sera Je Food Fund

Giant food ladles, metal buckets and saucepans for doling out food to over 2,500 monks.  
Giant cooking pots.  Each pot can hold food for 100 servings for 100 people.

This story and documentary film about Sera Je Food Fund are from FPMT .  Thank you so much, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Matteo Passigato, Lara Gatto + Sera Je.  Lovely film:

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Kopan Nuns After the Earthquake「地震後」千手觀音曼達拉

2015 April after Nepal Earthquake, Lama Zopa Rinpoche started praying to Buddha Chenrezig – the main deity for Nyung Ne retreat practice at Kopan Nunnery.

“The Nyung Ne prayers are especially dedicated to all sentient beings.”

“May there be no war, disease or natural disaster such as fire, flood, earthquake and so forth. May everybody realize bodhichitta, the good heart, enjoy peace and happiness, and as quickly as possible realize the wisdom directly perceiving emptiness, cease all their defilements and achieve enlightenment.” – Lama Zopa Rinpoche