Offering water bowls is a powerful practice for purifying obstacles and accumulating merits for a happy life, creating the causes to study and practice well the dharma.
Practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism have a happy daily morning ritual of “Offering Water Bowls” to speed one’s dharma practice along the path to E.
2015 © Photos courtesy of Ms Wu Ching-Mei at FPMT Taipei 經續法林
“If you can offer water bowls without spilling a drop, that is very auspicious,” says Geshe Lama Konchog.
每天、若能於供水時心專注於上、而不使水溢出、已圓寂「袞卻格西 」曾開示提到「一心不亂」專注做供水亦是修定 。
Lama Zopa Rinpoche suggests: “100,000 offerings of water bowls for 10 years without stop. Very auspicious.”
臺北經續法林奉行「梭巴仁波切」的指示:「每天、作百供水行之數十年、從不間斷 」。
一、 準備純棉的布 。
Step 2: Saffron.
二、 取一些「川紅花」或「藏紅花」(一般中藥店可買得到)。
Step 3: Saffron
inside filter paper bags.
三、 用過濾紙包好「藏紅花」或「川紅花」(過濾紙在一般日用品店或百貨公司可買得到)。
Step 4: Add hot
四、沖熱水 。
Step 5: Allow
saffron to colour the water “golden yellow”.
五、 靜置備用 。
Step 6: Morning,
pour out old water from previous day’s water bowl offerings into a bucket.
六、早上撤水供 。
Step 7: Wipe the inside of each cup with a cotton cloth, 3 x counter-clockwise + 3 x clockwise.
七、用純棉布、將水杯裡外、擦拭乾淨 。
Step 8: Place
empty cup upside down. Why? Offering an empty cup will plant seeds
for bad karma of hunger + lack of resources in future rebirths.
Step 9: Light an
incense stick.
九、 燃香 。
Step 10: Smoke
the inside of the cup. Why? Bless the cups: 3 x
counter-clockwise + 3x clockwise.
十、燻杯左繞三圈(淨除障礙)+ 右繞三圈 (祈請加持)。
Step 11: Pour
new saffron water into the cups. Recite “Om Ah Hum” while you are pouring
the water, slowly from larger stream of water and gradually reduce to smaller
stream. Think: “Pure body, speech, mind.” If you can, best to
wear a surgical mask so as not to contaminate the water offering with
accidental sneezes and coughing.
十一、 倒入新的水時請唸
「嗡 、阿
、吽」 加持供水、最好供水的人能「戴上口罩」較佳、水量由「細慢慢變粗」。
Step 12: Fill
each cup with only a little bit of water. Why? “May dharma lineage
continue to flourish.” Place each cup back on the table = one grain’s
width apart.
十二、每一杯、先倒入一些稱為「延杯」(佛法延續之意)、杯與杯之間的距離、不要過近或碰觸、亦不要過遠、約一粒米寬度 。
Water bowl size =
“As you wish.” Bigger the better. 共水的水背大小吉材質並無限定 。
Step 13: Fill
each cup up to 2 mm from the edge, but not to overflowing full.
十三、爾後每一杯加滿、但不溢出 。
“If you can offer water bowls without spilling a drop, that is very auspicious,” says Geshe Lama Konchog.
每天、若能於供水時心專注於上、而不使水溢出、已圓寂「袞卻格西 」曾開示提到「一心不亂」專注做供水亦是修定 。
Lama Zopa Rinpoche suggests: “100,000 offerings of water bowls for 10 years without stop. Very auspicious.”
臺北經續法林奉行「梭巴仁波切」的指示:「每天、作百供水行之數十年、從不間斷 」。
Step 14: Dedicate your merits for the happiness
of all SSBs: suffering sentient beings – family, friends, strangers, enemies –
world peace, long life of gurus and teachers, success of all good works, as you wish.
十四、請記得供水功德迴向 。
May all be happy. May all be
strong. May all be safe. And live with ease.
May all the holy wishes of our precious teachers be fulfilled.
to the Community” is a Lin Chau Jen Family Initiative.
without Fear: Genuine. Spontaneous.
We are
family sharing resources with our community.
Be the
change. Safe journey. May the force be with you.
「無懼的愛」 真誠、自發、無條件 」
「我們是一家人、與社會共同分享資源 」
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